On the eve of Halloween, Halloween bats are everywhere.

On the eve of Halloween, kids are out trick and treating, looking for spooky Halloween decorations, diy Halloween bats and ghosts and seeing lots of Halloween bats hanging up in their neighbours’ front porches and gardens everywhere.
Yes, fall is fast approaching, and the stores are bursting with lots of Halloween bats décor but there are plenty of fun Halloween activities for pre-schoolers and older children to make. Many kids are hurriedly finishing off making their own Halloween diy bats as well as checking out which new bat Halloween costume to wear to their Halloween Party.
It’s so much fun to dress up for Halloween while being surrounded by many different diy bat Halloween decorations.
This year my kids decided they wanted to make their own Halloween bats, but they were not sure exactly how to make Halloween bat drawings. However, I was able to come to the rescue with these Halloween bat drawings and they were able to make their own homemade Halloween bats to hang on our front porch, along with many other Halloween decorations.
These diy Halloween bat decorations are super easy Halloween bat crafts for everyone to make. They are not only cheap but will help to make your entryway and garden a little spookier for Halloween.
Halloween bats can be difficult to draw freehand, so I have created an easy bat template of 2 different Halloween bat drawings that I think you will like.
For this Halloween project to create four diy Halloween bats, you will need to print two sheets. This printable template will assist you to trace and then cut out four Halloween bats from the two printed Halloween bats template pages.
The Halloween bats template is free to download.
Instead of drawing your own Halloween bat drawings, download…
The bat template will help you create your own Halloween bat drawings.

Print bat template to make two Halloween bats, 1 large, 1 small
1 black cardstock Paper 8 1/4 in x 11 3/4 in (A4 size – 21cm x 30cm)
Use the thickest card stock paper available
Scissors, pencil, ruler, double sided tape or light colored cord, string, fishing line
Cut out both Halloween craft bats from the printed Halloween bats template
Mark each bat wing fold on both bats

Trace both bats onto the black thick cardstock paper and carefully cut each bat out

Mark each fold on both bat wings,
Use a ruler to bend each wing upwards slightly

Hanging bat Halloween decorations

Halloween bats for wall
Place double-sided tape under each bat body if Halloween bats for wall decoration
Halloween bats for wall art, door or front railing…
Place double sided tape on the underneath of each of the homemade Halloween bats. Place tape also on the wall, door or balcony rail and press firmly to stick.
Hanging bat Halloween decorations
To place your hanging bat Halloween decorations on the porch or in the garden

If you’re hanging Halloween bat is to hang on the front porch, ceiling or in the garden, tape cord, string or fishing line to the underside of each bat. Then tie a loop at the other end so your homemade Halloween bats can hang up on a hook or a branch.
To place your diy Halloween bat decorations on the door or create spooky Halloween bats for wall art, place double sided tape on the underneath of each of your homemade Halloween bats

Slime Recipe for Kids for Halloween