Little chickens have long been a favourite decoration during Easter. Here is a lovely little Easter chicken project you could do with your child.
Kids will love creating these easy Easter crafts for kids that kids can make.

It’s that time again when the stores are chocked full of Easter bunnies and chicks.
There are adorable easter bunnies and chicks everywhere, but as usual the chocolate Easter bunny is always a stand-out favourite for everyone.
Stores selling Easter crafts and supplies are stocking their shelves with heaps of creative Easter crafts ideas that kids of all ages will love.
However, it is interesting to understand the Easter origin, including the Easter bunny origin and why Easter is an important event in the calendar.
Some cute little Easter crafts for kids to make…

This was a fun activity that I enjoyed doing with my three-year-old grandson prior to Easter.
He helped me to cut out the yellow rectangles for the chicken pattern and the beak. He also helped me to stick on the eyes, wings and feet and we had a ball!
We created the face of the chicken, placing a small blob of glue for the goggle eyes that he placed very carefully on top of the glue.
Then we also glued the beak, only sticking on half of the folded cut out paper beak. His tiny fingers were able to stick these carefully. He is a child who pays attention to detail but not all children can do this so carefully.
Items you will need…
to make the Easter Chick

plastic to cover your table
yellow paper and orange paper
goggle eyes
pink and black markers (textas)
yellow and orange pipe cleaners
quick drying clear craft glue
To make the beak, cut out a rectangle (3cm x 1cm) and fold it in half across the long side.
(See video below)

Then cut it to form a diamond shape.
Fold the diamond shape in half to form the beak, making the beak 1.5cm long.
Stick only the bottom half onto the body of the chicken.
Lay out the yellow body shape (18cm x 7cm).
Add the pink cheeks and black eyebrows, using pink texta and thin black marker.
Turn the body over and carefully punch two holes 4cm from each end of the body shape, half way down, just big enough for the pipe cleaner to pass through. (Refer to the photograph).
Take one yellow pipe cleaner, 30cm long.
Cut off 8cm, cut it in half to form the two top feathers, each 4cm long.
Run the pipe cleaner into one hole from front to back and then back through the other hole to the front
Then fold each end back on itself and push the ends into the holes to create the chicken’s little wings.
From the orange pipe cleaner, cut six 4cm pieces
Electric Air Balloon Pump

Turn the flat body over and glue the pipe cleaner pieces on a slight angle to create the feet, each foot having 3 toes.
Allow the glue to dry.
When finished and the glue is completely dry, turn the chicken over. Bend it into a circle and tape the back with sticky tape.
If dry, bend the toes forward and splay slightly to form three toes on each foot.
When all is finished and dry, a small Easter egg can be placed in the top, to complete the decoration.
Have fun making your paper Easter chickens. You could make several and put them in a little basket for display.
Happy Easter!