Artistic expression is important for developing kids’ self-expression and thought patterns. It is exciting to watch a child when they pick up a paint brush and freely paint using many different colours to express themselves and to see the delight on their face at the end result. They develop new communication skills. This newfound ability can open up to a child a wonderful avenue of self-expression through art.
Children develop through art activities
When a child explores through doing art and craft activities they are learning and trying different things. When a child is freely exploring art through the many different mediums and activities on their own, their uninhibited self-expression allows them to experiment and discover new possibilities.
Problem solving
When children are using different art media, they are developing their problem-solving skills. When they mix different colours together, they find that new colours emerge. When cutting several pieces of wool or string, they realise they can be completely different sizes, hard or soft and when these pieces are glued to card they can create various patterns or shapes. Children are problem solving as they learn new creative skills.
Creative self-expression
Children learn quickly that when trying these new found skills they can freely express their thoughts and ideas as well, when talking about their creative art piece. Many physiologists use the creative arts to help children express their thoughts, feeling and emotions and work through them using different art media.
Creative self-expression is a wonderful way to express freely these thoughts and feelings.